Claims Emergency

London Branch

+44 203 829 5858

Singapore Branch

+65 8683 3190

The claims response service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides immediate global assistance to all of our Members.

Calling the emergency contact number provides a quick and effective way to speak directly to a duty Shipowners’ claims handler in the event of an incident or casualty involving an entered vessel.

During office hours the emergency number will redirect to the relevant corresponding office switchboard.

Alternatively, Members can request assistance from our network of correspondents located around the world.


Responsibility and accountability have always been at the core of what we do at the Shipowners’ Club. Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy is the way in which we seek to identify and address the issues and opportunities we encounter, with the aim of having a more positive impact on our staff, stakeholders, the environment and society at large.

We will strive to incorporate and embrace a CR strategy that focuses on the long-term sustainability of the Club whilst adding value to its business activities for the benefit of our Membership."

Donald A. MacLeod KC
Chairman of the Association


In line with the Club’s mutual ethos, our CR work is undertaken against the backdrop of always ensuring that any related task:

is transparent to all stakeholders

is proportionate and fit for purpose and complements the Club’s business model

is of benefit/value to its Membership

Sustainability roadmap

When embarking on the Club’s sustainability roadmap, ensuring the appropriate CR Governance was in place was a priority and this has led to the establishment of robust internal systems. This included the undertaking of a Materiality Assessment to identify the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues that are most material to the Club’s long-term sustainability.

As part of the process, 16 issues were identified that were relevant and considered important to the Club as an insurer and a member of the maritime industry. These issues were prioritised by the Corporate Responsibility Advisory Committee, the Club’s internal stakeholder working group, in relation to the Club’s sustainability as a business, as well as its ability to influence them.

Corporate Responsibility Report 2023


Materiality Matrix

The results are set out in the 2022 Materiality Matrix which maps the 16 issues and their impacts for the Club and its stakeholders:


Matrix key

  1. Health, Wellbeing & Safety of Seafarers
  2. Risk Management
  3. ESG Investments
  4. Trust & Satisfaction of Members
  5. Climate Change
  6. Carbon Emissions & Decarbonisation
  7. Health & Wellbeing of Staff
  8. Transparency & Reporting
  9. Financial Crime
  10. Sustainable Operations
  11. Managing Marine Resources
  12. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
  13. Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
  14. Responsible Incident Response
  15. Community Work
  16. Waste & Ship Recycling

Logic Model

A key output of the Club’s CR strategy is the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure its CR activities and its impact on society and the environment, and identify how these change over time.

As part of this process, the required impact and outcomes were pinpointed which drove the identification of the inputs and activities required to achieve these. This process resulted in the development of the Club’s Logic Model. This in turn defined the quantitative summary of activity in the form of KPIs that covered the Club’s internal and external operations based on areas such as health and wellbeing of staff and seafarers, diversity in the workplace, productivity, stakeholder ethics and trust and satisfaction of Members.


Partner of choice

The Club is committed to being the partner of choice for our stakeholders by providing a high level of service and support to them when needed. We do this by striving to achieve our Vision ‘Ensuring Peace of Mind’. Instrumental to this ambition are our partnerships with our trusted partners worldwide. Our partners are an extension of the Club and therefore it is imperative to ensure that the standards we set ourselves are reflected in the services they provide. The Club has developed its Code of Conduct to ensure our ethos and ethics, which we strive to achieve, are understood by our partners and their supply chains.



When embarking on the Club’s sustainability roadmap, ensuring the appropriate CR Governance was in place was a priority and this has led to the establishment of robust internal systems.



ESG impact of the Club’s investment portfolio.

Trust & Satisfaction of Members, Risk Management, Transparency & Reporting, Sustainable Operations, Decarbonisation, Health & Wellbeing of Staff and Seafarers and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion have been identified through a materiality survey as priorities for the Club and all stakeholders.


The number of cases associated with bribery and corruption



Minimising environmental impact, including decarbonisation, is a global concern. Engaging and learning from our Membership, in conjunction with industry bodies, is fundamental in ensuring we continue to offer insurance solutions and services that support our Members into the future.


tonnes CO2e

total emissions emitted by the Club’s operation in 2019.


of applicable vessels whose flag state requires a Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating.

Dedicated “emission reduction” platform on the Club’s website to ensure Members are kept up to date on industry measures, regulation and technological advancements.



When considering the Club’s responsibility to society, three communities have been identified, namely the Club’s employees, the seafaring community and the local community in relation to its office locations.



the average time each employee spent on learning and development.


employee retention rate.



of the ISWAN app since launched.


Date 14/08/2024
Title Sustainable Ship Recycling / Scrap Towage
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Date 03/07/2024
Title Code of Conduct
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Date 19/10/2023
Title Corporate Responsibility Report 2023
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Date 20/10/2022
Title Corporate Responsibility Report 2022
Document View

Meet the team

Charlie Weatherill 1_23.jpg
Charlie Weatherill

Underwriter / Corporate Responsibility Executive

Mob: +44 7387 023734
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Daniel Fryett

Chief Actuary

Mob: +44 7802 813486
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Ellie Bailey

Head of Marketing

Mob: +44 7789 985703
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Jon Holmes

Commercial Manager – Asia

Mob: +65 8613 2245
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Louise Hall

Director – Loss Prevention, Corporate Responsibility & Marketing

Mob: +44 7771 665655
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Oliver Shelmerdine 2_23.jpg
Oliver Shelmerdine

Senior Underwriter

Mob: +44 7795 598322
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Shev Algama

Syndicate Manager

Mob: +44 7384 257914
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